Ambilogue Inc. | PR代理店 アンビローグ

Ambilogue Inc., a high-tech specialist PR Agency in Tokyo

Strategic PR ConsultancyWe primarily serve IT (high-tech) and consumer market companies to support them plan and implement strategic communications strategies. We propose our clients media relations strategies and truely effective methodologies, that ensu ...

戦略的企業広報活動のご支援弊社は、主にハイテク(IT)業界やコンシューマ向け商品/サービスをご提供している企業のお客様の戦略的広報活動を展開できるようご支援しております。激変する市場環境において、企業が既存・潜在顧客、取引先、株主、従業員などのステークホルダ ...

Our Service OfferingsWe propose and provide our clients with service mixes optimized for their specifc communications and budgetary requirements.About Fee and ContractWe will submit you a proposal with an estimate after hearing your specifc PR/communicati ...
